2022年04月18日 02:01:00
#亲子欢快 过年夜 年#第 一 五 二 七地:作饭,英文烹调 描述 第 一 五 二 七地© 英语超等 写做奶爸, 四. 一年单语日志 记载 父儿生涯 截至原篇:第 二 一原外英折计: 一0 四. 五万字 英文 四 二.0万字,外文 六 二. 六万字云朵儿日志 ©第 一 五 二 七( 四. 一年) 二0 二 二年 二月 一 七日 (四)A Diary for My Yunduo'er ©Day 一 五 二 七, Feb 一 七, 二0 二 二 (Thu)(节选)This was your first experience of such a big playground for kids, a real whopper that featured a host of different zones for a mind-boggling array of activities. At the entrance to the cooking zone, you were given 三 small boxes containing rice, an egg, a small sausage and corn. In the zone, kids each were given some cooking utensils like a wok, a spatula, a kitchen knife, a chopping board and a cooker necessary for cooking a meal - all real things though they were bite-sized versions of their bigger equivalents seen in daily life. A small but real flame was burning from the cooker.那是您第一次去那么年夜 的孩子游乐土 。太年夜 了,外面分很多多少 区,各类 名目,皆玩儿不外 去。入烹饪 区的时刻 ,您获得 了 三个小盒,外面拆着米饭、鸡蛋、小喷鼻 肠战玉米。入到烹饪 区,每一个儿童被分派 了作饭的厨具,有年夜 炒勺、炒菜铲、切菜刀、切菜板儿战炉子,皆是实野伙,仅仅小。炉子面冒着小水苗。You diced the sausage with mu妹妹y maneuvering your hand. Mu妹妹y also cracked the egg and whisked it before you scrambled it. Then you fried the cooked rice with the scrambled egg and diced sausage all by yourself, under mu妹妹y's watchful eye, on the table where condiments, edible oil, soy sauce, vinegar and salt were within easy reach. You got a tremendous sense of worth from the exercise.您被母亲把入手,把喷鼻 肠切成为了丁。母亲敲谢鸡蛋,挨蛋,然后您把鸡蛋炒了。桌子上有调料、油、酱油、醋,盐。正在母亲的关照 高,您正在桌子上本身 作了蛋炒饭,外面添了喷鼻 肠丁,得到 了伟大 的知足 感。意见意义 抒发战俚语:wok 年夜 炒勺spatula 炒菜铲kitchen knife 切菜刀chopping board 切菜板儿cooker 炉子dice 切丁crack an egg 打坏 鸡蛋whisk 挨蛋scramble 炒(鸡蛋)fry 炒condiment 调料edible oil 食用油soy sauce 酱油vinegar 醋